
16 Eylül 2011 Cuma

Cantaloupe Outbreak in Colorado, New Mexico and Other States Investigated by Listeria Food Poisoning Lawyers

Our attorneys are investigating a cantaloupe outbreak linked to Rocky Ford cantaloupe grown in Colorado. People in at least seven states have contracted Listeria infections after eating Rocky Ford cantaloupe.

Prompted by the outbreak, Jensen Farms of Holly, Colorado, has recalled cantaloupes shipped between July 29th, 2011 and September 10th 2011, and distributed to the following states: IL, WY, TN, UT, TX, CO, MN, KS, NM, NC, MO, NE, OK, AZ, NJ, NY, PA.

The recalled cantaloupes have a green and white sticker that reads: Product of USA- Frontera Produce-Colorado Fresh-Rocky Ford-Cantaloupe or a gray, yellow, and green sticker that reads: Jensen Farms-Sweet Rocky Fords. Our attorneys are available for a free consultation regarding a cantaloupe lawsuit.
We are a national food safety law firm. The cantaloupe outbreak has now sickened 22 people in seven states. Two people, one in New Mexico, one in Colorado have died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  The confirmed cases are as follows: Colorado (12), Indiana (1), Nebraska (1), New Mexico (4), Oklahoma (1), Texas (2), and West Virginia (1).

The cantaloupe was sold at retailers nationwide, including Wal-Mart, Whole Foods Market, Safeway and others. Safeway has pulled the melons from its 118 supermarkets in Colorado. Whole Foods Market has removed the cantaloupes from all 27 in the Rocky Mountain region, which includes Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas and Utah.

Illnesses associated with this outbreak began on or after August 15, 2011. The victims range in age from 38 to 96 years, but most are women over 60.

Listeriosis is caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. The disease primarily affects older adults,  people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and newborns.

A person with listeriosis usually has fever and muscle aches, often preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. If you have an illness associated with this outbreak, contact PritzkerOlsen, P.A., for a free case consultation at 1-888-377-8900 (Toll Free) or submit contact information online.

Listeriosis concern prompts cantaloupe recall

A recall of cantaloupes shipped by Jensen Farms is underway with the FDA warning consumers not to eat them because of potential listeria contamination. The Rocky Ford cantaloupes shipped by Jensen Farms of Granada, Colorado to at least 17 states – including Illinois, Missouri and Nebraska – are linked to an outbreak of listeriosis, which is a serious illness that is potentially fatal.
The Centers for Disease Control says at least 22 people in seven states have been infected with the identified strains of the bacteria as of Wednesday, September 14th .
The cantaloupe may be labeled “Colorado Grown, Distributed by Frontera Produce, USA, Pesticide Free,, Sweet Rocky Fords.”
Not all of the recalled cantaloupes are labeled.


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