
15 Eylül 2011 Perşembe

James Carville: Dems Are Panicking!

James Carville has been getting more and more outspoken about the Obama administration, and his op-ed at CNN today throws a boulder-sized rock straight through the Oval Office window! Kapow! Below the fold, I tell James why he’s wasting his breath, but let’s hear the man out. From “What should the White House do? Panic!“:

People often ask me what advice I would give the White House about various things. Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now?

One word came to mind: Panic.

We are far past sending out talking points. Do not attempt to dumb it down. We cannot stand any more explanations. Have you talked to any Democratic senators lately? I have. It’s pretty damn clear they are not happy campers.

This is what I would say to President Barack Obama: The time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed.


1. Fire somebody. No — fire a lot of people. This may be news to you but this is not going well. For precedent, see Russian Army 64th division at Stalingrad. There were enough deaths at Stalingrad to make the entire tea party collectively orgasm.

Mr. President, your hinge of fate must turn. Bill Clinton fired many people in 1994 and took a lot of heat for it. Reagan fired most of his campaign staff in 1980. Republicans historically fired their own speaker, Newt Gingrich. Bush fired Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. For God’s sake, why are we still looking at the same political and economic advisers that got us into this mess? It’s not working.

2. Indict people. There are certain people in American finance who haven’t been held responsible for utterly ruining the economic fabric of our country. Demand from the attorney general a clear status of the state of investigation concerning these extraordinary injustices imposed upon the American people. I know Attorney General Eric Holder is a close friend of yours, but if his explanations aren’t good, fire him too. [AMEN!]Demand answers to why no one has been indicted.

Mr. President, people are livid. Tell people that you, too, are angry and sickened by the irresponsible actions on Wall Street that caused so much suffering. Do not accept excuses. Demand action now.

3. Make a case like a Democrat. While we are going along with the Republican austerity garbage, who is making the case against it? It’s not the Democrats!

We are allowing the over-educated, over-explanatory bureaucrat by the name of (Congresssional Budget Office director Douglas) Elmendorf do all the talking. Do not let him make your case. Let us make your case. Is it any wonder that we were doing better in the middle of the stimulus-spending period than we are doing with the austerity program?

4. Hold fast to an explanation. Stick to your rationale for what has happened and what is going to happen under your leadership. You must carry this through until the election (never say that things are improving because evidently they are not).

As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. …

First, let me state that I admire James Carville’s guts in speaking out — just as a number of other Democrats are also desperately TRYING to get through to Obama to change course.

The problem, however, is that Obama will not listen to Carville or any of the rest of the wise Democrats who are offering their best advice.

Why won’t Obama listen? Well, all of you NoQuarter regulars already know the answers to that question, but just in case:

Obama is incapable of receiving and processing criticisms. His abnormally high degrees of self-absorption and self-reverence not only make it impossible for him to critique himself, he is incapable of perceiving a world in which he is not LOVED and adored by huge throngs of people.

Ferd Berfle wrote an excellent comment in the open thread yesterday that featured a video of Obama exhorting a crowd of swooning Obamabots “if you love me, help me pass this bill.”

That phrase — “IF YOU LOVE ME” — is so astonishingly immature, I cannot believe that any grown man, let alone the president of the United States, would make such a pathetic plea. Anyway, here’s what Ferd had to say:

“If you LOVE me, help me pass this bill.” What in the hell?


One phrase–cult of personality. This is no different than that of Kim Jong Il or his father Kim Il Sung.

Obamabots represent nothing more than a cult, albeit a very dangerous one based on both abject ignorance and complete suspension of disbelief. They really think That One is their Messiah, which is no different than what the followers of Jim Jones thought of him, except in that they will take the rest of us with them and entirely against our collective will.

Ferd has nailed it. Obama’s narcissistic neediness is such that, in reality, he could only function as a dictator. And that, imho, makes him a dangerous character. Yes, dangerous. He does not care about the United States or its citizens. He only cares about Barack Obama, and he’s capable of doing most anything to retain the power he must have.

That’s why the Republicans had better pick a top-flight opponent in 2012. Obama will order David Axelrod et al. to do anything to destroy his opposition. Since his administration has been an abject failure, his sole hope for reelection is to paint the alternative as worse than himself. And the Obama henchmen will do anything — including every dirty trick in the book — to destroy the GOP’s nominee.

James Carville? James, I always get a kick out of you. But, James, there’s no getting through to Obama. Unlike your Bill Clinton, Obama is unteachable and, worse, he flat out doesn’t care about a single thing except adoration.

Okay, enough from me … now it’s YOUR turn.

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